Recently, a little bit busy, because of more tuitions than before, I am teaching Secondary and Primary students. They have almost the same difficulties, for example, they couldnt write an essay with enough words, proper words, grammetical mistakes,etc. Also, they wouldnt read after school, this is really a big problem. Therefore, they wouldnt know more words apart from textbook. Language is a hard thing, need to put a lot of effort, interest, imagination.

I always prepare excercises and teaching materials, it is easy for me to teach, however, it is quite hard for them to keep attention with low interest. I hope everytime I teach, they could absorb very very quickly, such as next lesson could still remember what they learnt last lesson...My standard is too high, I know, but couldnt help to think like that....If I could not see the effect of teaching, I will be disappointed. I give myself a lot of pressure, would think I have responsibility to upgrade their marks/level,otherwise, would blame myself a lot. I am still learning how to ease these kinds of pressure. 

I guess my piano teacher may have the same thinking, because she wants me to pass my piano exam, she said she couldnt accept failure, which meant my failure will be equal to her failure, but I told her, took it easy. When I am a student, I know, failure will be my responsibility;When I am a teacher, I think it will be mine,it is very contradictory. 

I like teaching, I like that when teaching, I am concentrated, forget everything apart from teaching, time seems meaningful and is easy to pass. I feel my heart beating quickly, it is excited to solve problems. After teaching, I might feel satisfied, or might not be , my mind would keep searching the better ways to teach.

One-one teaching is more direct to have interaction with student, and I could adjust my approach to fit particular students. This is hard to do in classroom with 40students. I hope to keep teaching as part-time work, because I like teaching with no living pressure. If in the future, I have no living pressure, and could teach some poor students, even have no paid, I would like to do that. I hope, students are willing to know more Chinese, have interest in it, not just for exam.

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My friend said:' I couldnt push myself to develop a hobby, I dont have interest on anything.'

I said:' I dont have interest first, but find interest in hobby afterward.'

It is like that, I saw someone played piano, it is attractive(the image of pianist), therefore I started to learn. I didnt feel interesting before learning, but after playing and practising, I found the interest in it.

I guess, when you put effort on something more and more, and find interest in it, you will love it eventually. 

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Journals below was posted in another website, other webmates corrected for me,the,this is good to practise writing of foreign languages..(continuous reading)




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It is 12:42am, I feel that I couldn't sleep with no journal here today, just think that I have to write something. I saw Robinson Crusoe(TV drama), the ending was Crusoe still couldnt leave the Island and Crusoe said God did that with purpose, he learnt to be patient and waiting with hope. I raised a question in my head.Do we live in the world with purpose?  Why I dont see my purpose?

Today my piano teacher said, you think too much, but too less practising(about scale). That's true, I hope to analysis and think it deeply, to know some theory, rules in scale, but, after all, practising is the most important thing....My exam is on 19/10, one month left...what should I do!!!I feel  boring to practise scale by myself.

Now, I feel everyday is short. I have a lot of things to do, preparing for Oct piano exam, Dec Japanese test, write Japanese/ English journal, tuitoring, job hunting, etc. It is strange that I am even more busier than I had work.

Usually, I will make a joke to end this, but I am too tired to think....have to sleep!

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Back to the nature(Continuous reading)

The title:'Back to the nature' was my friend's signature phrase. He used this phrase when he wanted to throw away rubbish to nature,especially banana,fruit peels. When he threw and said this phrase at the same time, it was very funny. It makes sense, but just make sure that the place is really nature.

However,here I am not eager to talk about rubbish throwing. I like this phrase as I feel myself backing to the nature(Make it clear that I am not rubbish). In the past, I dont really like to go into environment. I went to hiking, travel to national park, mountains, because my friends invited me, we talked, we had photos with beautiful environments, that's all. I dont really feel the connection with nature. After the Japanese camping trip, I am changed.

The environment in Japan is tranquil, fresh, lively. I heard insects' chirps , birds' song ; feel the fresh air and breeze; never ended sea view and mountains. I felt comfortable and peaceful there. After 6 times camping, I am addicted to be in nature. I could not find other things to substitute the feeling that nature brings me. I used to buy things and eat to ease pressure, or for short time satisfaction, and never feel really satisfied, only want to buy more and more. However, nature could give me the better feeling, and it will never be ended. I could be back to nature and nature would serve me infinitely. Also, I didnt feel bored or sick of the nature all day long.

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Haha...As you see the title:Sherlock Holmes, he is my favourite novel character. I knew him since I was in secondary school. I read all his stories in chinese. After working, I try to read all his stories in English, but still not finish. Recently, I have found TV drama, the old version, the actor was quite like Holmes in novel, I watched all of the series(total:7 seasons).

Mr. Doyle was a genius, he created Holmes and his logical deduction. Holmes was extremely observative, therefore, he could see others' didnt see. People could learn his way--but should have huge knowledge base and observation.

On the other hand, Holmes was not a perfect human, he was too rational, no love, not man friends, felt boring when he had no case and would take drugs. He could be lively and excited with complicated cases. This is quite human. He was very clever, therefore, he would feel boring, even he was wealthy. He didnt care about how much reward of the case, but care about the 'interesting' of the case. Detective work was his life, energy source, also the enemies. Actually, I wonder he wouldnt really want to lock all the criminals, otherwise, he could be bored to dead. His brother--Mycroft was as smart as Sherlock, but Mycroft didnt choose to be private detective, it showed that Sherlock loved danger and adventures. Sherlock's character was more wild, true to himself. That's why I like Sherlock more than his brother and not just because his smart.

To be honest, I love adventure. This is quite strange character of me. I am a book worm, stay at home oftenly, sometimes writing, crafting rubber stamps,watching movies. Adventure is not match to me. However, I love it. Most of the adventure that were someone being with me, under safe condition.  Maybe they are not real adventures? Do you think camping with friends in another country was an adventure? Went to Ireland with a friend and cycling in mountains for 10 hrs was an adventure? Maybe they were not, because with friends, those were not so dangerous. So maybe a small adventure suit me.

If you dont have any adventure in real life, it will be really boring. When I write to this paragraph, I think, maybe I should set some adventures for myself time to time, yes...why not? What is it? I dont know yet, let me think....

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手工印章(消しゴムはんこ 共14張相片

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傳統日本的塌塌米屋(Traditional Japanese Tatami House)-Temple Inn and Old House2(Press this to continue reading)

2. Old House

During Japanese Trip, we went to a friend's Japanese traditional house and stayed for one night. The house was his grandparents', 2 floors, with Tatami, garden.Calligraphy, old photos, mini-temple, were the decoration in the house. I recognised some characters in the calligraphy, 「積塵成山」,means when you save dust, it could become a mountain, it told the heir should save every coins,resources. You would know that this family should be thrifty, scholar. The living room was on the ground floor, the rooms were 1st floor. There were of course no western bed and chair,the mat were setted on ground. Sometimes, I wonder why Japanese like kneeling? It was uncomfortable. Sleeping on ground was fine for me, and I enjoyed that, because the ground had a lot of space and would not feel any limitation. I didnt take photos of the house, or even took it, could not show to public, as this was really someone's house. But without photos, it is quite hard to tell how beautiful it was.

One of my friend studied "energy', he thought, nature had energy, and people could feel and absorb the energy, it could make you more healthier. Energy could be found in temple/church mostly. When he went into this old house, he felt the energy too. Also, he had a dowsing rob, which could help to detect the energy and showed you the direction to the energy. We got the rob and test. We walked a lot, finally, I was tired and went to asleep quickly.(The grandparent did not live there, otherwise, could be so annoyed by us)

The other day, I tried once again without the rob. It was strange that when I went near the mini-temple, I could hear a strange noise.When I closed my eyes, I could see some orange flash. However, when I sat far way from the temple, nothing happened. I tried around 10 times, the result was the same. I dont know if I absorbed the energy, but it was an amazing experience.

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CAM00413.jpg  CAM00411.jpg  

傳統日本的塌塌米屋(Traditional Japanese Tatami House)-Temple Inn and Old House

(English Version is belowed,press this to continue reading)

I am glad to tell you my favourite part of Japan--Tatami House. I have been to 2 houses, one was a hostel, one was fd's old house.

1. Hostel:


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(photo is not related to shower room...but it has the feel)

(English Verison is belowed and press this to continue reading)
日本公共浴場(Japanese Public Bath Houses)

 I have been to 3 Public Bath Houses....


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