目前分類:2013 Japan Car Trip & Camping(日本自駕遊及露營) (7)

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傳統日本的塌塌米屋(Traditional Japanese Tatami House)-Temple Inn and Old House2(Press this to continue reading)

2. Old House

During Japanese Trip, we went to a friend's Japanese traditional house and stayed for one night. The house was his grandparents', 2 floors, with Tatami, garden.Calligraphy, old photos, mini-temple, were the decoration in the house. I recognised some characters in the calligraphy, 「積塵成山」,means when you save dust, it could become a mountain, it told the heir should save every coins,resources. You would know that this family should be thrifty, scholar. The living room was on the ground floor, the rooms were 1st floor. There were of course no western bed and chair,the mat were setted on ground. Sometimes, I wonder why Japanese like kneeling? It was uncomfortable. Sleeping on ground was fine for me, and I enjoyed that, because the ground had a lot of space and would not feel any limitation. I didnt take photos of the house, or even took it, could not show to public, as this was really someone's house. But without photos, it is quite hard to tell how beautiful it was.

One of my friend studied "energy', he thought, nature had energy, and people could feel and absorb the energy, it could make you more healthier. Energy could be found in temple/church mostly. When he went into this old house, he felt the energy too. Also, he had a dowsing rob, which could help to detect the energy and showed you the direction to the energy. We got the rob and test. We walked a lot, finally, I was tired and went to asleep quickly.(The grandparent did not live there, otherwise, could be so annoyed by us)

The other day, I tried once again without the rob. It was strange that when I went near the mini-temple, I could hear a strange noise.When I closed my eyes, I could see some orange flash. However, when I sat far way from the temple, nothing happened. I tried around 10 times, the result was the same. I dont know if I absorbed the energy, but it was an amazing experience.

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CAM00413.jpg  CAM00411.jpg  

傳統日本的塌塌米屋(Traditional Japanese Tatami House)-Temple Inn and Old House

(English Version is belowed,press this to continue reading)

I am glad to tell you my favourite part of Japan--Tatami House. I have been to 2 houses, one was a hostel, one was fd's old house.

1. Hostel:


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(photo is not related to shower room...but it has the feel)

(English Verison is belowed and press this to continue reading)
日本公共浴場(Japanese Public Bath Houses)

 I have been to 3 Public Bath Houses....


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日本旅行-緣(JP Trip-Relationship)(English version is belowed and press this to continoue reading)


Met friends I have known since 3 years ago and Make a new friend

When I saw a the word 「綠」(means a special strength to link between people) in front of a temple in Japan, feel it is explaining my situation.

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日本露營之我見 (Comment about Camping in JP from a girl)(English Version is belowed and press this to continue reading)


My comment is just one word: Comfortable!!!!

(I went camping in JP in August, around 6times)

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二、日本的露營環境(指政府認可有管理的營地) (English Version is belowed and press this to continue reading)

1. 處於郊外,例如山上,或湖邊或海邊,所以必須有人會駕車,自駕遊才好。




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  一. 日本露營準備篇 (English Version is belowed and press this to continue reading)

1. 一個營,夏天很難與同伴共同一營,所以,自己一個吧!(我用TRISTON單人營)

A. 營中必須有軟墊



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