
二、日本的露營環境(指政府認可有管理的營地) (English Version is belowed and press this to continue reading)

1. 處於郊外,例如山上,或湖邊或海邊,所以必須有人會駕車,自駕遊才好。





4. 有管理,在網上看相片很美,但實際就難說。露營過六個場地,只有一個是不滿意的,因為場地有人燒烤,又近湖邊,極多蒼蠅及毒蚊,蒼蠅真的很大,毒蚊又很毒,蚊怕水耗得很快而腳還是針得多。



















二、Japan Camping Environment(Government offical camp site)

1. Natural environment outside cities,eg. beside lake,sea,on mountain,so should have car trip as well

2.Entrance fee,from 700-2000yen(have more expensive,but i did try),the entrance fee is irrelevent with clean, the fee are because of beautiful natural environment or not.


3.All have toilets, or with shower room,but some shower rooms have to paid,most expensive:100yen for 3mins,,better on was 100yen for 5mins and last min. will turn into sec.,count down help to limit spend. My friend put jel on body, then, the water stop,had to put one more 100yen.Prepare 100yen coin too...we didnt know at first, and then no one could change for you, so we just share our 100yen coins together, some have to finish in 3mins..though after several training,they just can do within 3mins.Guess how many mins did i take?The fastest was 5mins.


4. Have management, but on internet photos could be good,but reality is disappointed.The unknown thing was insects! We tried 6 campsites, but only one I dislike,as there were barbecue, and near lake, many flies and mosquitoes, flies were big, mosquitoes were bad, used lot of spray, but still bited a lot on legs.


5. Good insect:I am a girl, like clean, Japan camp sites were acceptable even many insects,but they are good, eg.spiders,frogs,bugs,grasshopper,etc. ;every camp sites have those insects.You may ask yourselves if u will be afraid to have insects in or in front of shower room/toilet?All of the room have them, but Japan was good, as the rooms have door(just one site that male toilet didnt), inside the room, there were 'peaceful', and bad insect was not there almost,didnt get bites inside so far.

If u are afraid, could u go camping? Still could be, but have to accept, and it is better that at least one of ur friend dont afraid and take responsibility to kill insects, sometimes, insects in tent or car, someone has to do it, and i did a lot...

6.In summer around 30 degree, up to mountain(1000m) around 13-18degree,inside tents was hotter around 3-5degree higher than outside.So bring short and long sleeves clothes with u, with a mini-fan could be better.


7. Management Staff will leave after sunset, so call them before arrival to check their leaving time, and make sure to arrive before.


8.Camp sites were big, in August, maybe too hot, so less people, therefore could choose ur own camp site, you have to feel it personally, feel any breeze there, and closed to toilet/shower room,you wouldnt like to get up in the mid-night and walk for a long road to there.


9.Big animal:We saw a lot deers in woods or grassland,especially at night, when u put some light in the dark, will see shiny eyes in wood, deers went out to eat...If u have a good camera, could capture them in dark too.


10. Sun rise position:Before setting camp, have to check the position on campass, the sunrise is early, and will be very hot, it will disturb ur sleeping.


11.Rain:Make sure u put the tent cover correctly, as could be rain at night, and if raindrop in tent, could be a disaster!


12.Time for setting a tent: Half an hour, i setted and put all invaluable things in tent, and then got in car with friends to buy food in convenient shop, and then back to camp, to have shower or sleeping(if the camp site had no shower room, would go to public shower room,after went back to camp)


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