
Back to the nature(Continuous reading)

The title:'Back to the nature' was my friend's signature phrase. He used this phrase when he wanted to throw away rubbish to nature,especially banana,fruit peels. When he threw and said this phrase at the same time, it was very funny. It makes sense, but just make sure that the place is really nature.

However,here I am not eager to talk about rubbish throwing. I like this phrase as I feel myself backing to the nature(Make it clear that I am not rubbish). In the past, I dont really like to go into environment. I went to hiking, travel to national park, mountains, because my friends invited me, we talked, we had photos with beautiful environments, that's all. I dont really feel the connection with nature. After the Japanese camping trip, I am changed.

The environment in Japan is tranquil, fresh, lively. I heard insects' chirps , birds' song ; feel the fresh air and breeze; never ended sea view and mountains. I felt comfortable and peaceful there. After 6 times camping, I am addicted to be in nature. I could not find other things to substitute the feeling that nature brings me. I used to buy things and eat to ease pressure, or for short time satisfaction, and never feel really satisfied, only want to buy more and more. However, nature could give me the better feeling, and it will never be ended. I could be back to nature and nature would serve me infinitely. Also, I didnt feel bored or sick of the nature all day long.

Recently, our government suggests changing some of our country parks into housing estates. I dislike the proposal!! The natural environment will be lesser and lesser then.

Today, I went to a small hill near my district. I went alone, it was my first time to go by myself! I miss the Japan trip, were among the nature. It was around half and hour and finished the hiking. It was small, and the hill is rounded by tall building, nothing like in Japan. The good part is I was in nature and feel little satisfied. I miss my friends too.

I have learnt in Japan trip, it changed my preception of nature and temple. Mmm...yes, in the past, I could not feel the useful of temples, therefore, Mainland China government destroyed some temples or old heritages, I couldnt feel pity. But now, I changed. The reasons are the same as protecting the nature. They really could give us energy, when we feel depressed and frustrated, look at the nature and temple, they could give you peace!

I have a little hope that in the future,if my work could be related to the nature, sometimes could go out for a walk, even in garden, I would be satisfied!


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