These few months, I tried somthing that didnt expect before.

1. Slept over

I slept over in my secondary classmate's home twice(2 home). On Mid-Autumn festival, I went to a friend of my friend's home, we celebrated the festival, played card game, chatting. As I am single, most of them was with someone, they wanted to introduce guys to me, and asked me what did I think of some single guys there, and what are my preference. 10 people looked at me and waited my answer. I felt embrassed. Of course, I wanted to make new friends or boyfriend there. But I didnt expect they asked directly. Actually, I am not so in a hurry to have boyfriend or get marry. Because single is good and I get used to single. At that time, I just said, I was not in a hurry. And I dont think it is so easy to tell what my preference is, and I couldnt say if I like any guys there(in front of those guys faces, telling that I dislike or like because......? so impolite) I didnt familiar with most of the people there, hard to say that. About preference, people is complicated, I couldnt say I will be with the guy because he is polite,hardworking,XXX. It is hard to tell, if one day , I meet a guy who is polite and hardworking, but probably, I would not like him. Why? Human is a whole thing, the whole thing is consisting of  a lot of characters.So I kept quiet, hesitating. They said I am so quiet, I need someone who is talkative. I said I didnt agree, as I met some talkative guys, but didnt like. So I like quiet person? No. Some guys I didnt think I would like before, but get along for a period, I have feeling.

My thought change time to time. In the past, I didnt accept guy has more than 1 girl friend. But now I think maybe I could accept.( But for fair reason, I would have more than 1 boyfriend too). Of course, I need to feel that the guy still love me, treat me good. This is just a thinking, maybe if my boyfriend has 2, I will be heartbreaking? I dont know. (If I tell my girlfriend, they will feel I am so strange.) That's why, I couldnt say what is a must. I just will decide when something happening, not before. And of course, I dont like hurting anybody. Still because I think a lot, that's why, even something I think I could do before, but didnt do afterall.   

After meeting, it was late, so I followed my friend to her home, she lived with her family. It made me felt I was back to be teenager. When I studied, I went to her home all the time. After I was moving to another district, I seldom did that. tired....I may talk about other things when have time. Need to sleep now.


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