Last night, had been to a piano and orchestra concert, since I worked all day and joined the concert at night, tired to fell asleep sometimes...The concert was good, all the performers were hong kong people, they are young. One performer had piano solo, who is a talent pianist, he recorded CD when was 11years old,showed on TV, now is 25years old. He said music is his life, because of  music, he found himself. I think he has a satisfaction life.

I had a lot of activities every week, as I believe that time should not be wasted, and learning could create a better life. Now, I learn playing piano,dancing, reading, languages(Japanese,Korean)...But sometimes think that, I just like them, but seldom use, e.g. Japanese, Korean...why should I learn them?I dont know.Should I just focus on one thing, and become professionl? It is hard for me to give up one of them, and hard to make decision.

Today morning,met a  neighbour in front of lift, she was worried about her daughter, as she took public exam, the result was fair, she got 2 offers,but those were not famous universities and departments. The mom asked me if I were her daughter, what would I do? I think a second, and said, I would retake the exam next year, try to use the result to get into a better university, as when you could not decide which offer should be taked, that means you dont like niether of them.

I think, when problem is on the other people, I could make decision quickly...


Read a book suggested by a friend, that is about optimistic(psychological book), I learnt that what you think would change what you feel. I took the test in the book, it anaylsis my character is half optimistic, as I think that the worst situation is not last for long, it will disappear soon, that make me optimistic. But I also think that the best situation will not last for long, that time I just am lucky, I have no ability to keep it long, that make me half pessimistic. It is quite an interesting thing.

That's why I try to change my thinking, have to keep on saying to myself, the good thing will keep a long long time, I am able to keep that.




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