(ENG version)

在夜燈籠罩的房間裏,只聽見小風扇的滋滋聲,廳都熄了燈,家人相信已在甜夢中。在沉悶的工作中,我倦透了,肩膀硬實的,隱隱作痛,實在受不了,視線漸漸聚焦在旁邊的小窗,在玻璃上看到自己朦朧的倒影,仿佛上不了天堂,下不地獄的冤魂,幽幽的等待鬼差來勾魂。我定了定神,再看看窗外,燈火仍然通明,多少的幽靈在伴着我呢! 想起遙遠的往事,那時年紀小,也像現在一樣,只是換了挑燈「夜讀」,疲倦的當兒,又會開小差,想想在冰冷孤寂的夜裏,怎麼不去軟軟的床上,一覺睡去呢?在這無盡的夜裏,犧牲了精神與健康,有什麼回報呢?念頭一轉,想起家人常說︰「讀書好,將來就沒那麼辛苦。」「沒那麼辛苦」在腦裏不斷迴響,這句話起了嗎啡的作用,遏抑了心靈的寂寞,我暗暗許諾,只要過了這些學習的難關,以後就不用再這麼辛苦,於是我提起書本,捏着大腿,又讀起書來。現在長大了,經驗和智慧也豐富了,才明白那一句,我誤解了,「沒那麼」就是仍然辛苦,但比較不苦罷了。在風雨中,一個大浪過後,接着又會有一個大浪蓋過來吧?領悟了那句話後,我感覺就是給無數個大浪在頭上蓋下來了,渾身都寒透了,我拼命地游,可是卻永遠到不了對岸。

(I used google translation, to translate my Chinese writing,surprisingly, it could translate most of my meaning correctly)

Shrouded in night light in the room , only to hear a small fan sizzle , hall have turned out the light , the family believed to have been in the sweet dream . In the boring work, I tired enough, shoulder real hard , aching , can not stand , sight gradually focused on the small window next to the glass to see my dim reflection , as if couldnt go into heaven,nor hell , waiting for the ghost catcher . I made ​​an effort , and then look out the window , the lights are still brightly lit , the number of ghost accompanied me ! Remembered in the  past , when young, but also like now , only a change took place in the " study " when tired ,I think about the cold lonely night, why not go to soft bed, take a sleep? In this endless night, at the expense of mental and health, is  there anything in return? The idea of ​​a turn , my family often say ︰ "Studying is good, the future will be not so hard ." " Not so hard " continue to echo in the brain , this sentence Morphine played the role of non- curb the loneliness of the soul , I secretly promised , as long as over these learning difficulties, the future will not be so hard, so I took up book, pinching thigh , and began to read the book to . Now grown up, but also enriched the experience and wisdom , now I would understand that one , I misunderstood , " not so " is still hard, but nothing is less bitter . In the rain , after a big wave , then they will be overshadowed by a big wave come ? Comprehend that sentence , I feel is to give numerous big waves on the head cover down , the whole body cold enough, I tried to swim , but never get to the other side.


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